
including tetras, bloodfins, blind cave fish, penguin fish

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Common Name: Black Neon Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi.

Habitat: Brazil.

Potential Size: 4cm.

Social Behaviour: Peaceful schooling fish, recommended for smaller fish community tanks, Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Colombian Gold Tetra.

Species: Hemigrammus rodwayi.

Habitat: Native to Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Peru and Brazil.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A lively, peaceful community fish. Best kept in shoals of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Colombian Red & Blue Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon colombianus.

Habitat: Columbia.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in groups of 4 or 5+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Silver-tip Tetra.

Species: Hasemania nana.

Habitat: Brazil.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful, schooling fish. Recommended for community tanks. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



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Common name: Black Phantom Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon megalopterus.

Habitat: Upper Paraguay & Guapore River Basin.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in small shoals of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Cardinal Tetra.

Species: Paracheirodon axelrodi.

Habitat: South America.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in shoals of 4 or 5+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Diamond Tetra.

Species: Moenkhausia pittieri.

Habitat: Venezuela.

Potential size: 6cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in shoals of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


Currently unavailable

Common name: Neon Tetra.

Species: Paracheirodon innesi.

Habitat: South America.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Recommended for any small fish community aquarium. Best kept in shoals of 5 or 6+.

Food:  Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Emperor Tetra.

Species: Nematobrycon palmeri.

Habitat: West Coast of Columbia.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour:  A peaceful community fish.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Lemon Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis.

Habitat: South America.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in shoals of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



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Common name: Blue Tetra.

Species: Knodus borki.

Habitat: Peru.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: Very lively, boisterous, but generally peaceful. Keep in shoals of 5 or 6+. May nip at slow swimming fish with long fins.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



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Common name: Glowlight Tetra.

Species: Hemigrammus erythrozonus.

Habitat: Guyana: Essequibo River.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Recommended for community tanks. Best kept in shoals of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Buenos Aires Tetra.

Species: Hemigrammus caudovittatus.

Habitat: Argentina, Paraguay, South East Brazil.

Potential size: 7cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful schooling fish. Recommended for any community aquarium. Eats plants.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



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Common name: Blood Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon Eques.

Habitat: South America.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: Generally peaceful. Keep in groups of at least 5 or 6+ to avoid fin-nipping.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Rummy Nose Tetra.

Species: Hemigrammus bleheri.

Habitat: South America.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in shoals of 4 or 5+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



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Common name: Rosy Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon rosaceus.

Habitat: Guyana; the lower Amazon.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in shoals of 4 or 5+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



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Common name: X-Ray Tetra.

Species: Pristella maxillaris.

Habitat: South America.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.




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Common name: Blind Cave Tetra.

Species: Astyanax mexicanus.

Habitat: Texas, Mexico and Central America to Panama.

Potential size: 9cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in groups.

Food: Flake, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Black Widow Tetra.

Species: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi.

Habitat: Brazil & Paraguay.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Congo Tetra.

Species: Phenacogrammus interruptus.

Habitat: Congo.

Potential size: 10cm.

Social behaviour: A lively, peaceful community fish. Best kept in a mixed sex shoal of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Flame Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon flammeus.

Habitat: Costal rivers of Rio de Janeiro.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Ember Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon amandae.

Habitat: Brazil.

Potential size: 2.5cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept with other small species in shoals of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Red Phantom Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon sweglesi.

Habitat: South America.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish, best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc


In stock

Common name: "Super Blue" Emperor Tetra.

Species: Inpaichthys kerri "Super Blue".

Habitat: Captive bred colour morph.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour:  A lively but peaceful fish. Can be kept in a community aquarium with other species of a similar size & nature. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+. 

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: "White Fin" Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon sp.

Habitat: South America.

Potential size: 4.5cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in shoals of 4 or 5+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



Currently unavailable

Common name: Veilfin Tetra.

Species: Hyphessobrycon elachys.

Habitat: Paraguay river drainage in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: Peaceful schooling species, recommended for the small-fish community aquarium. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Will readily eat all manner of dried, frozen and live food.


Currently unavailable

Common name: Red Line Tetra

Species: Hyphessobrycon amapaensis 

Habitat: South America; Brazil.

Potential size: 3cm.

Social behaviour: Very peaceful community fish. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Black Emperor Tetra.

Species: Nematobrycon palmeri.

Habitat: West Coast of Columbia. The Black colour-morph is captive-bred.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour:  A peaceful community fish.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Diamond Neon Tetra.

Species: Paracheirodon Innesi.

Habitat: Captive bred in Asia.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in shoals of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Green Neon Tetra.

Species: Paracheirodon simulans.

Habitat: South America.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Recommended for any small fish community aquarium. Best kept in shoals of 5 or 6+.

Food:  Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


Currently unavailable

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