Danios, Devarios & Minnows

Danios, Devarios & Minnows

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Common name: Leopard Danio.

Species: Danio rerio.

Habitat: Eastern India.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: A lively, peaceful community fish. Recommended for all community aquariums.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



Currently unavailable

Common name: Glowlight Danio.

Species: Celestichthys choprae.

Habitat: Myanmar.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A lively, peaceful community fish. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



Currently unavailable

Common name: Zebra Danio.

Species: Danio rerio.

Habitat: Asia.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: A lively, peaceful community fish. Recommended for any community aquarium.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Vietnamese Minnow.

Species: Tanichthys micagemmae.

Habitat: Central Vietnam.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. Best kept in groups of 4 or 5+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



Currently unavailable

Common name: Long-Fin White Cloud Mountain Minnow.

Species: Tanichthys albonubes.

Habitat: South China.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Fireline Devario.

Species: Devario sondhii.

Habitat: Myanmar.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: Peaceful, lively, community fish. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.


In stock

Common name: Giant Danio.

Species: Devario malabaricus.

Habitat: India and Sri Lanka.

Potential size: 7-8cm.

Social behaviour: A lively, active, community fish. Best kept with other species of a similar size and nature in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock

Common name: Volcano Rasbora.

Species: Rasbora vulcanus.

Habitat: West Sumatra.

Potential size: 4cm.

Social behaviour: A lively, peaceful community fish. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.



In stock