Deep Water Plants

Deep Water Plants

Deep water plants are waterlily-like plants that when planted with lilies extend the flowering season and add extra interest to the pond.

Unlike waterlilies, several of these plants will thrive in moving water and do not need as much sunlight.

Deep water plants like lilies provide shade and refuge for fish, amphibians and insects.

The water depth quoted for the deep water plants is from the top of the pot.


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Common name: Water Hawthorn.

Description: This deep water plant has dark green oval-shaped leaves occasionally splashed with maroon. The sweetly scented (Vanilla), waxy, white flowers are held above the water from autumn through to spring.

Water depth: Between 12 and 30".



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Common name: Water Fringe or Floating Heart.

Description: This native plant could be mistaken for a miniature water lily. The bright green heart-shaped leaves spread across the surface of the water. The flowers are dainty, bright yellow and attractively fringed.

Water depth: Between 12 and 30".



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Common name: Golden Club.

Description: This plant has velvety, bluish-green, lanced-shaped foliage. Once established this plant produces bright gold and white pencil-like flower spikes that are held well above the surface of the water.

Water depth: Up to 18".




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Common name: Willow Grass or Amphibious Bistort.

Description: A vigorous native plant with long, narrow, floating leaves often tinged in red. In summer it produces hot pink flowers that resemble little bottle brushes.

Water depth: Up to 18".



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Common name: Floating Pondweed.

Description: This native plant has oval-shaped dark green floating leaves with small pinky-red flower spikes held slightly proud of the water.

Water depth: Up to 18".



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