11 - 17 of 17 results

Red-chinned Panchax

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Common name: Red-chinned Panchax.

Species: Epiplatys dageti.

Habitat: Africa; South-Western Ghana, Southern Ivory Coast and Southern Liberia.

Potential size: 5cm.

Social behaviour: Peaceful with other species and can make an excellent resident of the well-chosen community aquarium. Best kept in groups of 5 or 6+.

Food: Flake, frozen food, live food etc.


Browse these categories as well: Miscellaneous, SWEET KNOWLE AQUATICS

Spotted silver Dollar

Currently unavailable


Common name: Spotted Silver Dollar.

Species: Metynnis lippincottianus.

Habitat: Amazon River Basin.

Potential size: 12.5cm.

Social behaviour: A peaceful, lively fish. Should be kept in groups of 5 or 6+ with other species of a similar size and nature. Will eat plants.

Food: Flake, frozen food, live food etc.

Browse this category: Miscellaneous

Half-banded Spiny Eel (7-9cm)

Currently unavailable


Common Name: Half-banded Spiny Eel.

Species: Macrognathus circumcinctus.

Habitat: Southeast Asia; Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Indonesia.

Potential Size: 20cm.

Social Behaviour: Generally peaceful but can be aggressive towards conspecifics. Small fish may be taken so only combine with appropriately sized tank-mates.

Food: Bloodworm, Tubifex, Brineshrimp etc.

Browse this category: Miscellaneous

Black Ghost Knifefish (7-9cm)

Currently unavailable


Common Name: Black Ghost Knifefish.

Species: Apteronotus albifrons.

Habitat: South America: Venezuela to Paraguay and Paraná rivers. Also in the Amazon Basin of Peru. Occurs in rapidly flowing waters of creeks with a sandy bottom.

Potential Size: 50cm.

Social Behaviour: Although timid they are aggressive to their own kind but can be housed with other large peaceful fish such as Angelfish, Discus and Gourami. Nocturnal. 

Food: A micropredator. Much of its natural diet is insect larvae. Besides live foods, you should offer various frozen, freeze-dried, and pellet foods.

Browse this category: Miscellaneous

Golden Striped Headstander

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Common name: Golden Striped Headstander.

Species: Anostomus ternetzi.

Habitat: South America; Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela.

Potential size: 10-12cm.

Social behaviour: Generally peaceful, best combined with species of a similar size and nature. Can be kept as a single specimen or in groups of 5-6+.

Food: Flake, frozen food, granules, wafers etc.


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Purple Pencilfish

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Common name: Purple Pencilfish.

Species: Nannostomus rubrocaudatus.

Habitat: Western Peru, near the foothills of the Andes mountains.

Potential size: 3cm.

Social behaviour: Generally a peaceful community fish. Rival males are territorial with one another but in a heavily planted aquarium any issues can usually be avoided.

Food: Flake, granules, frozen food, live food etc.

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Rainbow Goby

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Common name: Rainbow Goby.

Species: Stiphodon ornatus.

Habitat: Indonesia; Sumatra. Found in clear, well oxygenated waters that contains boulders and rocks covered in algae and biofilm which provides their food source.

Potential size: 6-7cm.

Social behaviour: Peaceful community fish. Provide plenty of boulders and rocks to aid algae growth for food. 

Food: Algae, wafers, some meaty foods, frozen etc.

Browse this category: Miscellaneous
11 - 17 of 17 results