21 - 30 of 39 results

Flavescent Peacock (4-6cm)

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Common name: Flavescent Peacock.

Species: Aulonocara Stuartgranti "Usisya".

Habitat: Lake Malawi.

Potential size: 12.5cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Keep in a species aquarium with at least 9 or 10+ other fish.

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.

Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids

Electric Yellow Lab (4-6cm) (Black back)

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Common Name: Electric Yellow Lab.

Species: Labidochromis caeruleus.

Habitat: Lake Malawi.

Potential size: 12cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Keep in large groups (9 or 10+) in a species aquarium.

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.

Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids

Trewavas' Cichlid 'Lion's Cove'

Currently unavailable


Common name: Trewavas' Cichlid 'Lion's Cove' F1.

Species: Labeotropheus trewavasae 'Lion's Cove'.

Habitat: Lake Malawi.

Potential size: 12.5cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Keep in large groups (9 or 10+) in a species aquarium.

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.

Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids

Red Empress (4-6cm)

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Common name: Red Empress.

Species: Protomelas taeniolatus 'Namalenje'.

Habitat: Lake Malawi.

Potential size: 15cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Keep in large groups (9 or 10+) in a species aquarium.

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.

Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids

Malawi Butterfly Cichlid (5-7cm)

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Common name: Malawi Butterfly Cichlid.

Species: Aulonocara jacobfreibergi.

Habitat: Lake Malawi.

Potential size: 15cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Keep in large groups (9 or 10+) in a species aquarium.

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.

Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids

Pearl of Likoma (4-6cm)

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Common name: Pearl of Likoma.

Species: Melanochromis joanjohnsonae.

Habitat: Lake Malawi.

Potential size: 10cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Keep in large groups (9 or 10+) in a species aquarium. 

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.

Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids

Orange Zebra Cichlid (4-6cm)

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Common name: Orange Zebra Cichlid.

Species: Metriaclima estherae 'orange'.

Habitat: Lake Malawi.

Potential size: 12.5cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Keep in large groups (9 or 10+) in a species aquarium. 

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.


Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids

Brichardi (3-5cm)

In stock


Common name: Brichardi.

Species: Neolamprologus brichardi.

Habitat: Lake Tanganyika.

Potential size: 10cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Keep in a species aquarium with at least 9 or 10+ other fish.

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.

Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids

Malawi Sand Diver (Female)(10-12cm+)

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Common name: Malawi Sand Diver

Species: Fossorochromis rostratus

Habitat: Lake Malawi.

Potential size: 25 cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and mildly aggressive. Keep in large groups (9 or 10+) in a species aquarium.

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.


Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids

Red Fin Borleyi (6-8cm)

In stock


Common name: Red Fin Borleyi.

Species: Copadichromis borleyi 'Kadango'.

Habitat: Lake Malawi.

Potential size: 15cm.

Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Keep in a species aquarium with at least 9 or 10+ other fish.

Food: Pellets, frozen food etc.


Browse this category: Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids
21 - 30 of 39 results